
Zonta eClub Canada BlogThe members of the Zonta e-Club of Canada1 have a lot to say about gender equality, ending violence against women (VAW), and ensuring that girls and women have access to education and health care. Sometimes we’ll “say” things by raising money or awareness for causes or initiatives. Other times, we’ll “say” things by writing articles and/or sharing resources via Facebook and Twitter. Watch this blog for monthly articles on these topics. From time to time, we’ll also feature articles written by guest bloggers who aren’t members of our e-Club. As a club with members from across the country, we expect this blog to include a wide range of experiences and perspectives. The views expressed by any one individual will not necessarily reflect the views of the Zonta e-Club of Canada1 at large or Zonta International.


Mom Shaming. You May Not Have Heard of It, But You’ve Probably Lived It

Lately, it seems like it’s getting more and more challenging and tiresome to be a woman in today’s world. At least that is how it feels to me. When women are STILL ...

Entrepreneurs: Don’t Go it Alone; You Can Get Expert Help, On Demand

I called up a lawyer the other day for some advice. It cost me less than $20. The same week, I called up an HR Consultant & Career Coach and ...

Mentorship: A Missed Opportunity

Recently, Diana Davies-Harju, the CMO of Magnifi asked me to talk about the advantages of mentorship as part of strategic planning at an event for young entrepreneurs. Magnifi is an ...

Zonta e-Club Canada1 President’s message from ZI Convention in Yokohama, Japan

The best thing about attending a Zonta Convention is reconnecting with old friends and making new friendships. In the weeks since returning to Canada from the Zonta Convention in Yokohama, ...

Making Sure You Get Paid When You’re Self-Employed

Freelancing and self-employment are not for the faint-hearted. Along with the joy of being your own boss, you’ll also have the “fun” of being your own payroll clerk, accounts receivable ...

30 blog ideas to help small business owners

For many small business owners, posting blogs frequently is important because it gives them a chance to stay connected with their audience. Unfortunately, over time, their blog sites become inactive ...