Mentorship: A Missed Opportunity

Recently, Diana Davies-Harju, the CMO of Magnifi asked me to talk about the advantages of mentorship as part of strategic planning at an event for young entrepreneurs. Magnifi is an audio and video platform that connects people to expert mentors, on demand. It’s like using FaceTime or Skype, with a built-in meter. Although these ideas […]

Women’s Issues are HR Issues

The tide has changed over the past several months. Instead of women quietly and discretely coping with sexual harassment, the pay gap, and various forms discrimination they’ve been speaking up … and sometimes yelling. Women’s issues are no longer a narrow niche – they are front and centre, especially in the workplace.   Women’s Issues […]

Why the Zonta eClub of Canada1 is Working with ManUp

  Members of the Zonta e-Club of Canada1 have many community partners and work on numerous local projects. One of our major advocacy projects is collaborating with ManUp. ManUp is a group of male high school students in Ottawa who are determined to prevent and/or reduce violence against the women and girls in their community. Their […]

Why Feminism Needs to be Rebranded

This June, the Liberal government unveiled what it called “Canada’s first feminist international-assistance policy,” with plans to ensure that at least 95%  of the country’s foreign aid would help improve the lives of women and girls through equality and empowerment initiatives. There were, however, no plans to increase foreign aid to fund the new feminist […]