Service Projects

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Assembly table at Zonta Safe Birthing Kits event

Advocacy and Service

Along with the 11 other Zonta Clubs from Toronto to Stratford, we engage in Advocacy to prevent violence against women and girls. While individual clubs choose their Service focus, the Safe Birthing Kits Assembly project has dozens of worldwide Zonta clubs joining hands with sister clubs in their areas. These kits are very inexpensive (under $2 each) and can save three lives – mother, newborn and birth attendant. They are sent overseas through reliable partners.

Zonta International 

ZontaSaysNo Service Banner

Zonta Says No to Violence Against Women (VAW)

Zonta’s global and local service and advocacy efforts are designed to prevent violence against women, increase access to education and healthcare, and expand economic self-sufficiency.


Working With Male Allies to End Violence Against Women

Since 2015, Zontians in the Ottawa area has been working closely with a group of young men, called ManUp, who are determined to be effective bystanders who can help end violence against women. ManUp participants have established a blog that’s definitely worth reading and following. This work has been done in collaboration with the Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women (OCTEVAW) and the Ottawa RedBlacks.

2017 ManUp Poster (Zonta Service and Advocacy)

2017 ManUp Poster



Getting Involved

The Zonta eClub of Canada wishes to communicate more closely – and when appropriate – partner with community service agencies in Mississauga/Peel and the Ottawa area that are working to enhance the status of women in key facets of their lives. As our club grows and we have members living in other regions, we hope to partner with organizations in other regions.